Extra-curricular activities

English Bible Learning

English Fun Day

It is usually be held in January. All NET teachers and Missionaries of the Lutheran schools will help in the game booths on the Fun Day.


Action Alphabet Team

Selected P1 pupils perform the Action Alphabet during English Fun Day




 Dress Up Group

English Wednesday Story-telling time

A “Story-telling Corner” is set up every Wednesday.





There will be 3 Readathons in a year. A small prize will be given to those who can finish the target reading time.


Little Ambassadors (2013-2014, 2014-2015)

Little Ambassadors will be selected and trained by our NET and they will keep on sharing their work, photos with the pupils inWindleshamVillageInfant school in Surrey



Training by NET and GEO

Little writers (2015-2016 onwards)

Little writers will be selected and trained by our NET. They will also use i-Pads.